✩ evo heyning ∞
1 min readSep 7, 2017


Fantastic news, we’ve been tracking your progress all year! We are looking for robust blockchain media asset management embedded in the production workflow to make sure creatives are paid for their work (and repaid when work is repurposed!). As a media producer with three new interactive series in the works, VR releases, apps and games we are excited to work with more teams like you along the way. We have new game shows, 360 series and even a sci-fi show in development and look forward to connecting with you.



✩ evo heyning ∞

CEO @PlayableAgency ✩ Founder @LightLodges ✩ Producer ✩ Advisor ✩ Artist ✩ Speaker ✩ Media Design ✩ Interactive Mixed Reality ✩ Strategist ✩ Consultant